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In 2011

Sunday, October 10, 2010

SE Japen Home/Screen Lock Application

The AmbientTime Home, nothing new  but for those who want to know more and for those who don't know read on. So recently the great SE Japan release a new home launcher for the X10. This has a custom home launcher and a lock screen. 

In terms of the home launcher at first glance it is pretty cool. The background wallpaper is animated, and it basically makes your phone look like a lava lamp. In term of looks I would give it a 5/5. Why cause it makes our X10 look pretty cool. It somehow matches the whole phone.

In terms of function I would give it a 4/5. To begin with it comes with 5 home screen panels, and you can add more icons and widgets since it has been re-sized. At the bottom there is a triangle and you can use it to quickly swipe through the different home screens. Another functional gimmick is that say your on the far left screen and you want to get the far right screen, instead of swiping right you can swipe left and it will take you the the far right screen, its looped. The drawer is nothing fancy but the best feature of it is that you can arrange the icon order and uninstall apps within the drawer. 

Now to get the custom lock screen you must disable the pattern lock then enable the custom lock screen in the ambient home settings. Now at first launch this is appear laggy, but after it will work a bit better. I really like this lock screen like I said before it matches with the phone. The one thing i do not like is the stupid blog thing at the bottom you use to swipe up to unlock the phone. Its lags the phone and it looks weird. I would give it a 3/5.

Overall I would give it a 3/5, but wait there is more.

Besides all the lag there is one major issue that really ticked me off and made me uninstall this launcher. In the home screens when you add widgets it cuts them off. -_- except for the search bar. Unless you do not use widgets then I guess this would not be a problem but if you do it will be a problem, it was for me. 

My final verdict is this a good app and is probably the best thing that has come out of SE for the X10. When compared to Creatouch this is 100 times better. But as a permanent home launcher its really 50/50 depends on your phone use. There is a little lag once in a while but it is not really that annoying unlike the widgets problem. So if you have widgets do not use this. If you want something that looks cool then go ahead install it and see how it goes. 
-You can choose to have the Ambient Lock Screen on or off
-When you are in the lock screen tap on the screen to change the color of the flowing circles 
-Also after installing reboot your phone
-Lets hope SE Japan churns out more USEFUL applications like this in the future : ) 

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