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In 2011

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Install xRecovery After Custom 2.1

After I installed the AOSP rom I was unable to install the recovery apk, I kept on getting some error stating that my memory card was full or not inserted properly. Here is how to fix that.

You need to have root, and root explorer as well. (Like I said before it makes your life easier)

Now download the latest recovery apk, then rename it as a zip.

Now open it and go to res/raw in this folder you will find 3 files busybox, chargemon, and xrecovery.tar

Now copy the raw folder to the root of your SD card

With file explorer find the folder then "multi select" the three files and then move them to system/bin, also before you move just make sure to have r/w selected before and after you select the files.

Paste the files then reboot your phone, after the 1st Sony Ericsson logo keep on pressing the back button and you should get the recovery menu.

-Just remember to have r/w selected


  1. did all the steps but cant get to recovery menu

  2. did you keep on hitting the back key. It should work, thats odd.

  3. wat will happen if i keep holding da back key?? will change 2 froyo 2.2.1???? :)

  4. yup.. same here.. as wat dane mahieu said...... did all da steps but didnt get da recovery menu......

  5. lol if you want froyo you have to get the custom froyo zip, but its in a early stage??

    this is strange??

  6. same here if r/w isn't selected then the files won't copy right?

  7. well i pushed it with the xmod app too and no luck

  8. How to install xrecovery....
    What app req to run xrecovery

  9. Worked for me. Thanks

  10. thanks, it worked for mw
