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In 2011

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Sad News - XperiaX10 Blog

Tej at XperiaX10 Blog posted his last post on the site. He stated that SE does not allow the use of Xperia on his site and is taking formal action on the site. I disagree 100% to their statement and it makes no sense as well.

The XperiaX10 blog worked hard to bring up to date information on the Xperia X10 and spread knowledge of the device as well. From the old firmwares updates with the Sony Ericsson software, to the root, to the custom roms, and the the bootloader. It was a a great site and only site to get all the info on our device up to date. I hope SE reconsiders their action and allows to blog to run as usually.

I wish Tej the best of luck on his future plans. 

-I stated the blog, was going great, then crashed due to some issues. I hope to bring it back soon but I think I might be getting a email for SE soon = P. Have a nice day.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Keep Track of this Thread---ROM RELEASED

Hey guys TripNRaVeR posted this thread recently and you may want to keep track of it. Its a stock Arc Rom and it seems to have everything working. I am guessing that it will be stable and most applications and drivers will work on it. Since the genius's at SE made the Arc 1gz the X10 should be able to use this Rom as well. Well once its get released I am flashing it = P.

The Rom still has not been uploaded, but will soon be.

After a Long Time

Hey folks I would like to say sorry for the lack of posts recently. I was really really busy with some other projects so I had to take a little leave from the blog. Sorry to all the viewers, hopefully the blog will come back at full throttle. 

In terms of the X10 the development has been great as many of you would have known by now. With new custom roms being introduced and updated its really hard to keep track. At the same time the Arc files have been ported to the X10 (home launcher, photo widget, ...). I tried the home launcher and it was a great launcher. Has a less "blue" tint and it was well organized. If you still haven't tried it out check it out over here.

Personally the last couple of weeks all I did was try out different ROM's. Some were good some were better than others, but overall the developers put a lot of work into them. I am still waiting for the "perfect" rom, where everything works lol. Right now about 98% works, the only bugs that I found on the ROMS were 
-Video not workings (common)
-Camera (on some ROM's only)
-Camcorder (Most ROMS's)
-LED Light
-Voice Recording 
-Barcode Scanner (Lifescan still doesn't work)

The funny thing is when you have these things working you hardly use them, and they hardly care about them. But when you know that they dont work you start to use them more then you realize that it won't work lol. Hopefully a solid ROM will be released soon. 

Take Care Guys

Sunday, January 30, 2011

21A0435 with Flip Animation Framework

Here is the framework-res.apk file with fip animations added. If you need help with installation check out this post.

X10a 21A0435 Global Firmware

Hey guys this is the latest X10 SE firmware. In my opinion this is the best stock firmware that SE has released so far. There are some nice improvement and some noticeable eye candy. This is the X10a version but it wouldn't really affect you if you have a X10i device. You will have to enter your apn's manually.

 The installation process is typical. You plug your phone while in flash mode. 

After installing the firmware I highly recommended installing the latest Flash Tool. You can root, install JIT, install xRecovery, and other necessary applications with a few clicks. This firmware is root-able. 

Some of the changes that I have seen are
-MediaScape is much much better. Much more touch friendly and stream lined. You also get more control such as which sections (most played, favorites, shuffle) to display on the main music screen. The library fonts are larger and the scrolling seems more fluid. Now there is dedicated player and library buttons. The best new change is the player. The player does not resize album covers, and overall looks great. It is the best looking Android music player. Now when you hold and swipe left and right your can seek through tracks. Another new feature is the new landscape player. Now you can have the player in landscape mode, but there is no way to disable this.

-Calender has a more professional function look now. When you select the month view you get a month calender and upcoming events on the bottom.

-Picture Viewing in MediaScape now get the hold and swipe zoom feature.

-Dual Touch is another big plus in this rom. Works well and is more fluid.

-In terms of performance I really can not say much since I modded my phone with all the performance tweaks. But it does seem more responsive. But there is a little bit of lag here and there.

Overall this is a must and I recommend you guys flash this firmware. There are probably more changes in this firmware but these are the noticeable ones that I found in a few hours use.

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Droid X IME

After I got dual touch enabled on my phone I searched around for the Droid X IME. I got it working on my phone but there are some issues.

1)Key letters/symbols/numbers are small
2)The multi touch works but it is not 100% accurate
3)It replaces the default Android IME (but you can get it back thou)

If you want to just try it out for fun follow these steps.

First download this file

Then rename the file to LatinIME.apk

Then open X10 Mod Tool and navigate to /system/app/

In that folder search for LatinIME.apk and PULL it. Now you have a back up of the default Android IME.

Now select the Droid X Latin IME and PUSH it to the /system/app/ folder

Now with root explorer navigate to /system/app/ select LatinIME.apk and install it

Now go to any text input application, open up the "Select Input Method" screen and select the multi touch keyboard. 

You Are Done = ) 

Now if you want to get your default Android keyboard back just copy paste the LatinIME.apk from the backup folder in X10 Mod Tool and do the steps all over again. 

Push file
Install File
Select Input Method

Wednesday, January 19, 2011



Thanks to Bin4ry for the dual touch implementation and for the guide. Thanks to My_Immortal for making dual touch enabled in every application.

You will need
1) This File
2) The latest Flash Tool
3) X10 Mod Tool

Step One - Getting Dual Touch on your phone
Note - This process does not overwrite any files, you do not need to worry about backing up your files.

Extract the download file and then place the "Dualtouch" folder in the "firmwares" folder in the Flash Tool.
Then start up the Flash Tool then hit "connect". Select X10 then plug in your phone in flash mode. (plugging in your phone holding the back button, you should see the green notification light).
Then select "Flash" select the Dualtouch sin files hit ok and the files will get flashed to your phone. 
After flashing unplug your phone and reboot. 
-To test it out search and install "MultiTouch Visualizer 2" in the market place and try it out. 

Step Two - Getting it to work on all Applications
In the downloaded file there is a XML document called android.hardware.touch-------
Place that file in your "files" folder in X10 Mod Tool
Plug in your phone with USB debugging enabled then start up X10 Mod Tool
Select the X10 XML file on the left box then on the right one navigate to /system/etc/permissions/ and push the XML file to that folder. 
Then reboot. 
Now open up Google Maps and Zoooom !!

Enjoy.........Angry Birds, LauncherPro, ADW Launcher, GameBoy Emulators, Gameloft games, and more!!!

Sunday, January 16, 2011

New Themed Miui Music Player

Naruto20007 modded the stock Miui player to match the X10. Besides the new blue tint everything is still the same. If you into looks then I guess this would be nice for you app collection. I like the look and the function of the player BUT there is too much lag for me. Best if you check it out for your self.

Just install it like a normal application 

New Flash Tool Must Have Application

Hey guys once again the Flash Tool has been updated by Bin4ry and Androxyde, and it is a must have application. Now the flash tool is more user friendly and it is packed with some vital features. Now you can root,  installed busybox, clear your phone, install firmwares, and it installed key custom apps as well like launcher pro and the htc ime. So all you have to do is download the file the extract it. Connect your phone with usb debugging enabled and operate.

There is one more feature as well, it installs xRecovery with no problems, this is a big plus. I know that some viewers are having trouble installing it. I was facing the same problem as well with this tool it was done in seconds and it works.

-If you are going to flash you phone you have to place the firmware sin files in a new subfolder in the FIRMWARES folder. Hit flash then connect your phone in flash mode.
-Today I updated my phone to the 024 X10a global firmware (but flashing with the included flasher). I used this to install root, xRecovery, and the custom applications. Everything worked well and was quick ans easy. This does root the new 024 firmwares as well. You can find them here.

Keep track of the thread for future updates

Global X10 i/a 202A024

Hey guys here are the links for Global X10 i/a firmwares. Everything works well, you just have to download them, extract, and then run .bat file. 

-The procedure is the same like before
-You need to have the latest Java installed
-Flash mode = turning off your phone then plugging it in while holding the back button

Friday, January 14, 2011

NetFront Browser

Hey guys this is a new web browser that I stumbled apon recently. As you can see from the title it is called NetFront Life Browser. This is the best looking browser on the market, you can not get a better looking browser. It has a 3D gallery main screen which is visually nice but is functional as well.

I had it on my phone for about 3 weeks and I experience no lag, force close, etc etc. But keep in mind that my device is far from stock, so experiences may vary. As a browser it is basic it covers all the basic features like bookmarks, clearing information, tabs, history, cut and paste.

For the X10 I think that this is the best browser, in terms of function. Once major plus is that when using the browser you do not need to depend on the hardware keys. All the important are always displayed on the screen, such as the back function. For me this is a big plus, since the hardware keys on the X10 tend to space out and get loose over usage. The default zoom buttons are already replaced, and are now relocated to the sides. You can hold them and drag them to to area that you want to zoom as well, useless but pretty cool. Another plus is the ease of switching between tabs with the dedicated tab button that will always be with you.

When you open the app you are presented to a nice 3D main menu where you can scroll through your bookmarks and history. Also you can easily scroll through your open tabs as well. Everything is touch friendly and I did not experience any significant lag during usage. When compared to the stock Android browser it is a bit slow but nothing significant.

Overall for the X10 this is a good download and a good substitute over the default browser. It looks nice and gets the job done. It is not as advance and option packed as Dolphin Browser HD but its design wins me over. Dolphin Browser HD was too laggy, clunky, and overall a bad experience for me. Out of 5 I would give this a 3.5 or 4. The only annoyances is that the default search is linked with Yahoo.

Root For 2.0.2.A.0.24

Thanks to Zdzihu and Scotty2

Here is another method of rooting 2.0.2.A.0.24, it was posted here. This method seems simplest of them all. But if you can not get this to work do not worry there is 2 other methods as well. For this all you have to do is download the file then execute the rootme.bat file on your computer. Remember that you need to have your phone connect via USB with USB debugging enabled.

Jerpelea's HTC Sense Custom ROM !!!!

Jerpelea has done it again, yesterday he posted a new thread where he has ported the HTC Bravo rom to the X10. This port is not fully complete, and there needs to be some work on the Wifi, Bluetooth, Vibration, and the Notification LED. There may be other problems as well, so this is not a everyday rom, yet. I would advise to keep a eye on this thread and try it out. Once a stable version is released I would try it out and I really want to try out the HTC weather widget. Yes, even thought Fancy Widgets is 95% identical, nothing beats the original lol.

Much Thanks to Jerpelea 

Original Thread - Keep track of this thread 

Root For 2.0.2.A.0.24

If you updated to the new firmware there is a root method that has been reported to be working. It is done through a modified SuperOneClick program. Just install the device, enable usb debugging on your phone, hit root and follow the prompts on the SuperClick dialog box. So now you should have the latest firmware with root advantage as well. Also if you have problems or if you want to get everything done at once check out this post for another method.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Little Update

I understand that its been almost 6 days since I have made a new post. I started off the new year with a nice flu so I have been down for a week now. If you have the flu I suggest you try Tylenol Day and Time, it helped me.

Recently there haven't been any major developments in the X10 community. SE said that the X10 would not receive the 2.2 update.

A new custom 2.1 version 8b was released. So check it out here. This version has improved stability.

You guys probably heard about the new firmwares soon to be released for the X10 that included "multi-touch", or thats what they say. We shall know once it is released.

**I am going to make like a new section for X10 themes hopefully I will get it finished by this week

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Free X10 2.2 xRecovery EDIT

TZdzihu over at XDA released a new 2.2 rom. You install this using xRecovery which is a great time saver. Only problem is that this is a beta and its not really fully tweaked yet. There are some issues at the moment and hopefully they will get ironed out soon.

Our fellow Reader posted the following. He seems to have issues with this particular rom so please keep that in mind. Also the Froyo roms are not complete and are still in beta. Hopefully they should get finalized soon. Also thanks to the reader!

Anonymous said...

hey man, I had problems with Free x10 ROM. On the other hand FROYO 2.2.1 X10 AOSP ROM by TripNRaVeRs MODs (below link to the thread) is working rather well for me. Specifically, I've been using version 024.1 for 2 full days and except not working camera and sometimes shaky (but working) videos it's been great.

framework-res.apk With Flip Animations

Hey guys I modded the framework-res.apks for the Gingerbread framework and the default 2.1 with the battery mod framework, with the flip window animation. The video will show you what the flip animation is like. Its like the animation found on the Nokia 5800 and looks pretty cool, and is pleasing to look at.

Download which one you like and then use the X10 Mod tool to push it to your phone. For more help just follow the instructions here

With a fully modded X10 with JIT and stuff it was kind of hard to notice the animations, my phone was that fast. So I downloaded Spare Parts then set the animation(s) to slow.


Wednesday, January 5, 2011

X10 Arc

Hey guys I recently read up on this site about the new Sony Ericsson Arc. To be 100% honest I kinda felt like crap in a way. Like the X10 was a mistake and that I was a test dummy for the SE. The device does look pretty nice, I mean by aesthetics. I am not really into the whole "super thin" idea but everything else looks nice. I definitely like the "metal" wrap around deign thing, like the Iphone 4. Besides that I really didn't care about the phone. Also the speaker is at the back and theres a extra  mic at the back too. So I am assuming that equals better speaker (more sound), and better call quality.

Looking at the pictures seems that the new firmware looks widget friendly. Theres a new media app, scrolling gallery app, and a MediaScape bar. Hopefully we will get that and rooted for our X10's soon.

Honestly I am not in the mood nor the financial position to dump my X10 and get the new one, but the Arc does look pretty nice. What do you guys think ??

Monday, January 3, 2011

SiMi Folder

I found another great application from SiMi. This one is called SiMi Folder. It lets you place folder widgets on your homescreen BUT gives your full control on the look and the use of the folder. You can change the look of the folder icon and easily organize the contents as well. When you start it up it does take some time to understand the navigation and how to use it overall. But after a few minutes it is all straight forward. After you set eveything up you will get your folder widget. by pressing on it you will get a "Phone book" like scrolling bar to select your app/(soon to come contacts and bookmarks).

So far I have no lag, fc, or any issues. This app is great and works well. Even with alot of apps running the scrolling works well. As you can see you can add your own icons as well. With this app I have minimized my homescreens from 5 to 3 lol. 

Try it out 
Simi Folder Widget by hateman

Changing Fonts

I know that this is kinda old now but I don't know why but I kept on skipping on this. Quick tut on changing fonts.

1)You will need Root

2)You will need to install TypeFresh and AndExplorer on your phone

3) Thanks to XperiaX10iuser for packaging this zip with compatible fonts

4)Additional Fonts that work as well Babel Sans and Comfertaa. I am using Comfertaa easy to read and has no issues. The following is Comfertaa, every letter is changed even keyboard keys pretty cool,

5) Original X10 fonts. Just in case if you mess up.

This is an important note to keep in mind. Not all fonts work properly on your device. The following will explain what I mean. Some fonts render certain letters and symbols as boxes. The following is my favorite font Sony Sketch = (.

IF you want to use your own font all you have to do is rename the regualar and the bold .ttf as DroidSans. For example if you download the Babel font in the folder you will find 2 files. BabelSans.ttf and BabelSans-Bold.ttf. You will have to rename them to DroidDans.ttf and DroidSans-Bold.ttf for the fonts to work. 

After you have got all your files ready and installed the 2 apps on your phone you can begin. 

1)In TypeFresh you can backup your original files by hitting menu then back up fonts. The fonts will be saved on your SD card/Fonts/. 

Now lets say that you want to use Comfertaa font. Extract the folder and place the folder onto SD card/Fonts.

Then in TypeFresh select on DroidSans.... and then open the Comfertaa folder and select the DroidSans.ttf file. Then select the DroidSan-Bold.... select the Comfertaa folder and select the DroidSans-Bold.ttf file. Now in the main TypeFresh screen you will see blue arrows beside the fonts that you have changed, make sure that they are all right. Now hit menu and apply fonts. You device will reboot. 

The reboot process will take some time so please do not panic. You phone will reboot and you will see your new font as well.


Not all fonts work like I stated before.