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In 2011

Sunday, January 30, 2011

X10a 21A0435 Global Firmware

Hey guys this is the latest X10 SE firmware. In my opinion this is the best stock firmware that SE has released so far. There are some nice improvement and some noticeable eye candy. This is the X10a version but it wouldn't really affect you if you have a X10i device. You will have to enter your apn's manually.

 The installation process is typical. You plug your phone while in flash mode. 

After installing the firmware I highly recommended installing the latest Flash Tool. You can root, install JIT, install xRecovery, and other necessary applications with a few clicks. This firmware is root-able. 

Some of the changes that I have seen are
-MediaScape is much much better. Much more touch friendly and stream lined. You also get more control such as which sections (most played, favorites, shuffle) to display on the main music screen. The library fonts are larger and the scrolling seems more fluid. Now there is dedicated player and library buttons. The best new change is the player. The player does not resize album covers, and overall looks great. It is the best looking Android music player. Now when you hold and swipe left and right your can seek through tracks. Another new feature is the new landscape player. Now you can have the player in landscape mode, but there is no way to disable this.

-Calender has a more professional function look now. When you select the month view you get a month calender and upcoming events on the bottom.

-Picture Viewing in MediaScape now get the hold and swipe zoom feature.

-Dual Touch is another big plus in this rom. Works well and is more fluid.

-In terms of performance I really can not say much since I modded my phone with all the performance tweaks. But it does seem more responsive. But there is a little bit of lag here and there.

Overall this is a must and I recommend you guys flash this firmware. There are probably more changes in this firmware but these are the noticeable ones that I found in a few hours use.

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