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In 2011

Monday, November 22, 2010

Modded Battery Indicator - Will not work on new firmwares -

So a few posts ago I posted a application that displays the battery and batter information as well. And it looked pretty cool as well. I found this mod on XDA that changes the default battery to the one below. I played around with several things and kinda messed up my phone. This one is solid and works wells.

-You need Root
-Download the file here

1)Extract the file
2)Place it on the root of your SD card

Now you can do this with a terminal on your phone or you can do it with a terminal on your pc both use the same line of code. I did it on my PC, just remember to enable USB Debugging and connect your phone.

Enter this (mount -o remount,rw -t yaffs2 /dev/block/mtdblock2 /system) without the ( )

Hit Enter

Then enter this (dd if=/sdcard/framework-res.apk of=/system/framework/framework-res.apk) with ( )

Hit Enter

You will see some lines of code then your phone will reboot

The reboot will take some time so wait a bit. Then you phone will boot and you will see the new battery indicator. Cool thing is that its more informative than the default one and it has some cool charging animation.

Hope it helps, if for any reason you mess up you can reflash or repair your phone.


  1. Hello Rakash
    Hey Im new to this but I know a little of this.
    K my problem is...
    Do I need to connect my cell phone to the pc to install this apk?
    I rooted my x10 using z4root...
    Anyways Im a little confused and I really want this on my phone!!!

  2. Heello Pachi, yes you need to connect your phone to your pc and enable usb debugging. Then through ADB copy paste the code step by step.

  3. I have updated using zdzihu method, but now i carnt get the battery mod to work, when I copy the png files and xml to the new framework i get a space where the battery icon should be?

  4. M,
    Yeh I guess that you will have to re make the framework or just the modded one or the zdzihu one

  5. Tried this on X10i, 2.1 firmware used terminal on phone & it stuffed me phone so it wont boot. I wouldn't trust anything from this site, odviously hasnt been tested thoroughly.
