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In 2011

Monday, November 29, 2010

New TypoClock

I already did a brief review of TypoClock you can find it here. But since then many new updates have appeared and the application is getting better and better. So I have the latest one, I believe it was version 0.48. I am not going to post a direct link since the app gets updated frequently and its free as well. Just type in TypoClock on the market.

The noticeable new features are the drop shadow and the size and color options. 

For the X10 this was the best configuration that would use a good portion of the screen without getting parts of the widget getting clipped. You CAN select 1.4 for the widget size but if you are going to use a drop shadow the shadow will get clipped at the bottom of the widget. 

If you like me and feel asleep in html class and forgot about hex color codes then heres a site to help you out. HEX COLORS

I just released this last Wednesday, that when you set the size above 1.2 Wednesday gets clipped off. So I guess the best fit is 1.2, not a big difference but its better than 1.0 lol. I wish if there was a set x set y feature for the app.

Hope it Helps

MedisScape Shortcut

For months now I have been playing around with many music applications. The one that really attracted me with MixZing player but eventually it kinda lost its touch with its generic design. After I re flashed my with 2.1 for the 10th time I gave up on installing all of my previous applications on my phone. So then I stuck with MediaScape, for a week now I have been using it for all of my mp3 needs. MediaScape is pretty good LOL, same quality and sound level as the stock 2.1 music player but looks really really good.

My favorite feature of MediaScape is that its all touch friendly, you hardly have to use the hardware buttons unless you want to exit the app.The only annoyances that I have with MediaScape it is laggy in the menus, and that you have to click into too many different screens to get the song that you want to play. 
  1. Have to wait for the home screen animation to load 
  2. Then you have to go to more 
  3. Then you have to swipe to "Tracks" which is a slow and laggy process
  4. Then you select your song
I found a easier way of getting the job done. Varies on how you do it but its all the same method whether you are using Any Cut, ADW/Shortcut/Activities, or Launcher Pro/Shortcut/Activities, etc. 

So to get directly to Tracks in MediaScape just open the activities menu, then find MediaScape, and make a home screen shortcut for  


This is what it looked like in Launcher Pro, the first box. 

Select it then if you want you can select a name for  it and then place anywhere on your home screen. So when you select it it should take you directly to the Tracks menu, if not then just swipe to Tracks, hit back, then open the shortcut again. You can also choose the other menus as well such as genres, artists, etc.

So far no problems and it works perfectly, I hope SE revamps the next version of MediaScape significantly, pretty sad thou they are the ones that invented WalkMan and the WalkMan brand phones.   

Hope it Helps 

Must Have Wallpaper Application

This is a issue that I noticed right away when I purchased my Xperia X10. The issue was that wallpapers come out distorted. Then I thought that it was a software issue (1.6 Limitations), then when I got 2.1 the issue was still there. But now there is a app that fixes this issue.

-Go to your market and download, Wallpaper Set and Save, install and open

-When you open the application select on set wallpaper

If your wallpapers are in a folder called wallpaper on your SD card then just set as default and select your picture

If not then select on settings/browse folders, select your folder, then save settings

Now you can select your picture, a cool feature is that you can swipe through pictures

Once you have selected your picture "Set Wallpaper"

The only problem that I have had with this application is that it wouldn't save your selected folder as the default. So every time you open the app you have to select your wallpaper folder again. Yeah its gonna kill a few seconds of your life, but who cares the app gets the job done lol.

Here are my results

Before with Banding

After with Wallpaper Set and Save, no more Banding!!

-The funny thing is I remember posting this issue on forums and stuff long time ago, and the responses that I got were "The X10 Screen doesn't support that many colors" "You need 2.1" etc etc. Well ha ha, LOL.  

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Custom 2.2 is Out

Just to let you guys know custom 2.2 is out. Check it out here. I will not be testing either the 2.1 or the 2.2 at the moment due to the fact that these firmwares are not solid. I believe that they are in alpha or a earlier stage in development so expect alot of good and alot of bad. 



Monday, November 22, 2010

Voice Search

Voice Search apk for 2.1. Everything works and integrates with the SE and the default Google search bars.

Place on SD Card and install

Voice Search

2.2 YouTube FIXED LINK

Title says it all, and yes it is better than the default one and it works well.

-You will need Root
-You will also need Titanium Backup
-You will need Root Explorer (I reccomed this application like I stated before its a time saver and makes modding easy)
-The new 2.2 YouTube.apk

1)First with Titanium find the YouTube.apk and uninstall it. It should be at the bottom of the list.

Reboot your phone

2)Open Root Explorer then enable R/W. Now place the new YouTube.apk on the root of your sd card 

3)With Root Explorer find the YouTube.apk then move it to /system/app folder

4)Then long press on the app then select permissions. Then tick it off in the following way
x  x

5)Now install it and it should install the application

6)If you want reboot your phone just to finalize everything. Now you see able to use the new YouTube application.

Modded Battery Indicator - Will not work on new firmwares -

So a few posts ago I posted a application that displays the battery and batter information as well. And it looked pretty cool as well. I found this mod on XDA that changes the default battery to the one below. I played around with several things and kinda messed up my phone. This one is solid and works wells.

-You need Root
-Download the file here

1)Extract the file
2)Place it on the root of your SD card

Now you can do this with a terminal on your phone or you can do it with a terminal on your pc both use the same line of code. I did it on my PC, just remember to enable USB Debugging and connect your phone.

Enter this (mount -o remount,rw -t yaffs2 /dev/block/mtdblock2 /system) without the ( )

Hit Enter

Then enter this (dd if=/sdcard/framework-res.apk of=/system/framework/framework-res.apk) with ( )

Hit Enter

You will see some lines of code then your phone will reboot

The reboot will take some time so wait a bit. Then you phone will boot and you will see the new battery indicator. Cool thing is that its more informative than the default one and it has some cool charging animation.

Hope it helps, if for any reason you mess up you can reflash or repair your phone.

Sunday, November 21, 2010

2.1 Default Gallery and Music App Shortcuts

Title says it all. I am kinda late on posting this but I highly recommend installing these. Also check out my previous post on the "full 3D gallery".

Gallery shortcut

Music shortcut

Full 3D Gallery

The default 3D gallery is pretty cool, functional, and full touch friendly. Thats the reason why I use it as my "main" picture app. Heres a little mod to make it fully "main". What I mean is that you can use it as your default to view pictures and you can videos as well. 

-You will need  a root phone 
-Download this file
-Have Root Explorer on your phone (makes your life easier)
-Titanium Backup

First uninstall system gallery (version 1.1.30682). If you can not find it then search for "com.cooliris.media.apk" and uninstall it. 

With Root Explorer 
1)Download the file and place it on the rot of your sd card
2)Open Root Explorer and when on the home screen on the application select "Mount R/W" on the top
3)Then select "sdcard"
4)Then find Gallary3D.apk
5)Long press on it, select "Permissions", then enable everything
6)Long press again then select "Move"
7)Then move the .apk to /system/app

Then select the app again and install. Now you should have the gallery application now to its full extent. So when you select wallpapers select gallery then in the popup select the gallery app again, then tick it as default if you want. For videos open the gallery app then select video then you will get pop up asking which app to open the video with. Select the gallery app and if you want you can tick it as default too. 

If you are going to use Terminal then follow these steps.
-Uninstall the gallery like before if you haven't
-Then place the downloaded .apk onto the root of you SD card.

adb push Gallery3D.apk /sdcard
adb shell
#dd if=/sdcard/Gallery3D.apk of=/system/app/Gallery3D.apk

Friday, November 19, 2010

Froyo custom Rom

Today I was on XDA and the Froyo section has been edited I think that this rom is going to be released soon. But those rom is in a early stage and does have a few bugs with it

Thursday, November 18, 2010

X10 News So Far

This is not new news but for those who do not know alot of great news has happened in the X10 world.

1)Custom rom have been developed and the 2.1 version is released as well. But beware there are some bugs and not all of the features work. You can download it here. Personally I am not going to download and install this until it is fully working. If you have nothing to loose try it out. I read around that it is very fast.
User Video Of Custom 2.1

2)SE released a video about how they will introduce multi-touch to the x10 in the beginning of 2011. I shall not explain any more, watch the video and it says it all. Please do me a favor and if you know someone that ditched the X10 because of the "lack of the multi-touch" please laugh at them LOL

When I heard this it wasn't a big deal but when I saw it a flash back of all the multi-touch posts ran in my head. I remember reading sooo many posts about how the hardware was thing and that, and how the screen digitizer and stuff is not capable. Well looks like the X10 is. I honestly feel happy that I didn't sell my X10, and I bet the value of it will increase as well.
Video of SE Multi-Touch

So its all great news for the X10, custom roms are coming out, keep an eye out for the Froyo one, and multi touch. I will update faster when new important events happen. Also X10 users dont worry about the new "X10 Replacement" the X10 will always be the best lol.

*Due to certain reasons I was unavailable to post this post when the news was fresh. I will try not to make this mistake again. 

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Rogers 2.1 Firmware / Flasher

2.1 Flasher for Rogers/10a
For flashing help check out this post

Saturday, November 13, 2010

How to make X10/Android Phone super fast UPDATED

Here is something that I stumbled apon while reading online. After trying it out I have to say it is a must do for the X10. On the market there is a application called AutoKiller. PLEASE Install this application if you want your x10 to be blazing fast, lol. Unlike a task manager this works within android.

-Go to your market and install AutoKiller

-After installing the application open it

-In the memory limits tab just enter
 Home app 150
 Content Provider 200
 Empty App 250

AutoKiller is more stable than the minfree... application and the values do not get changed when you reboot. You will significantly notice a different when you boot your phone. Once the application gets permissions your phone will be FAST.

You should notice an increase in speed. On my phone I always have at least 90 mb of free ram. Which is way better that the 30mb - 40mb i used to get. Apps open faster and operate faster as well. This is a great mod to do if you like to play games your on phone.

My Quadrant test with this and JIT 2.0 enabled was 716, with only JIT 2.0 it was 705. Not 750 but better than nothing. 

-This might stop TimeScape from auto updating, so if you use TimeScape I guess skip this
-For even more speed enable JIT 2.0 on your phone as well, check out that post here
-If you can not to get the new values saved "apply at boot" then hit "apply" as well then reboot
-Honestly I do not know what the numbers do but they made my phone fast. Please do not mess around with this app unless you know what you are doing. The app gives you a clear statement about this when you first open it up. Unless you want to spend an hour reflashing your phone and restoring your files by all means go for it lol. 

Automatic Brightness

Some people complained how the X10 2.1 update doesn't have automatic brightness. I found a quick fix for that, and it works for me.


Just go to your Market App and search for Spare Parts, by Android Apps.

Download, and install

Open the app then scroll all the way down and you will find "Brightness mode"

Select it and select "Automatic"

Reboot your phone and test it out. I put my phone in direct sunlight then took it out, I noticed that the brightness of the screen decreased. So I am assuming that it works now.

-Theres a few other options in the app that you can play around with.

Thursday, November 11, 2010

X10 Users Please Watch and Read

I know that we are all happy and a bit disappointed with the 2.1 update. Here is a video that will definitely raise some questions and cheer some people up.

YouTube Link

At the same time read this post as well.

I think that the linked are all self explanatory and I hope that they get released soon.



New 2.1 Rooting Option UPDATE NOV 11

Here is  a new easier way to root the X10 with 2.1, you do in 1 click. Much much much simpler than the SuperClick method. Just remember to have usb debugging enabled.
Link to APK


Here is the original posting, and check it out if you have any problems.

Monday, November 8, 2010

WiFi Enterprise Connection Update

Just to let you guys know now with the 2.1 update you can directly connect to a Enterprise WiFi. Just remember to select "Peap" for the EAP method, and "MSCHAPV2" for phase 2 authentication. I was surprised and happy that SE included this because they did not talk about it in the change log or their 2.1 videos, which is pretty stupid if you ask me. But if you are still using a secure wifi then I guess you should still use the WiFi config app you can find it here.

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Samsung Ocean Waves Wallpaper

The Ocean Waves live wallpapers was one of the reasons why I wanted to get live wallpaper so badly. It just looks cool. I tried it out on my X10 and it works well. For best performance I turned off wallpaper scrolling in Launcher Pro, I believe you can do the same in other launchers as well except in the default X10 launcher. With the wallpaper scrolling disabled the phone and the wallpaper works well without any major noticeable lag. The wallpaper is fully interactive, you can swipe to create like a streak in the water and click to create a circle wave.

BUT there is one problem with the live wallpaper, sometimes when your in landscape and then click your home button the wallpaper becomes distorted. Meaning only half of the live wallpaper would show. This has happened me to a few times and is really annoying. In terms of battery usage, this does take a bit of juice to run but I guess thats only if your going to be playing with it for an hour. Overall its a good live wallpaper and is nice to look at and to show to others, if only the landscape issue can be fixed.

Download Link

Android 2.1 OPTIMISER Version 2

The OPTIMISER has been updated. The download link is below, and the instructions are the same. If you dont know how to use it look at this post. In this version the final quadrant result is around 700-740.

Friday, November 5, 2010


Okay jerpelea from XDA released a new android 2.1 OPTIMISER

You can download it here

The OPTIMISER does 4 things
-clean all junk applications
-enable JIT to boost performance
-zipalign and optimise all resources to get more speed...use with caution....may need to reflash
-still tesing nexus video drivers

The only thing that I did was step 2 which is the JIT performance boost, and it really does give you a boost. When I did quadrant I got 630 points, which is a major boost. I didn't do the other options because I am not fully satisfied on what they do, and I don't want to spend another hour re-flashing, and restoring my phone and files.

To do it you need to have a rooted 2.1 X10

Step One
-Have PC companion open
-Download and extract the file
-Then open the SuperClick folder and run SuperClick as admin
-Then click on shell root
-The steps are the same as the previous root procedure
-Connect your phone then click on charge, then click on usb debugging
-If it doesn't work then unplug, un tick, then plug and tick usb debugging again

Step Two
-Once you have shell root open the 2_jit_enabler.bat file
-Press any key
-You should see some lines of code and when finish your phone will turn off
-Then unplug your phone then start it up
-The initial boot will take a while so wait
-After boot your phone will come back to normal

Step Three
-Now run SuperClick as admin again
-Run the root procedure, click on root...........you should know the rest by now

Now you have JIT and Root. To test it out install quadrant to see your new benchmark, for me it was 630 but some people got 700. To test root open busybox and install it again. If busybox does not work uninstall it  then install from the market again.

If you want to do all the steps in the OPTIMISER do it the following way
-shell root in SuperOneClick
  -run step 1, phone reboots (take long time to wake up again be patient)
-shell root in SuperOneClick
  -run step 2, phone reboots (take long time to wake up again be patient)
-shell root in SuperOneClick
  -run step 3, phone reboots (take long time to wake up again be patient)
-shell root in SuperOneClick
  -run step 4, phone reboots (take long time to wake up again be patient)

If you get into any problem reflash you phone again with 2.1. I only did step 2 and it worked for me, I am not sure about the other steps but it is up to you. Like I said IF you get into any problems you can always reflash you phone. You can find that here.

-I saw some improvements in live wallpapers
-Opening apps was a bit quicker

X10 Root/App Cleanup

After I flashed my phone with 2.1 one thing that I noticed right away was the LAG.  It really got on my nerves. My best advise is to get root and uninstall all the unnecessary applications that YOU do not need.

Root App SuperClick
Must have PC companion and have connected your X10 to it once it once

Step 1
-So download SuperClick and extract it 
-Then run SuperOneClick.exe as administrator
-Click Root
-When it says waiting for device plug in your phone

Step 2
-On your phone you will get a popup select "charge"
-Then go to settings/applications/development/and check USB debugging 
-Now PC Companion will pop up and install the new drivers
-The SuperClick program will install the root in your phone
-Once everything is done you will get a pop up on your PC saying you phone has been rooted. 

-If you get a loop of actions with SuperClick and on your phone, take out the wire, untick usb debugging. Then tick usb debugging and then plug in your phone again. I had to do this is like 5 times to get it to work. So just keep on trying. 

After your phone has been rooted, open your market and install busybox, and install it. If that works that you have a fully rooted phone. 

-To uninstall applications that you do not need open the market and install Titanium Backup
-Open the app give it root permissions
-Then go to the Backup/Restore tab
-Let it load all the applications
-To uninstall a application that you do not need for example Moxiar Mail, click on it
-Then select un-install !
-The application is unstalled

I used this method to remove all the preinstalled applications that I didn't need some of the stuff I removed were 
When you are done reboot your phone, and you will notice your phone to be faster. Also you can install root applications like Barnacle Tether, check out that post here

2.1 Flashing For X10i and X10a

Sorry for the delay on the 2.1 post. Like I said before I wanted to wait for a solid method that will work on all X10'a without any bugs. After waiting and reading numerous posts online I am happy to say that the new method   works well. There are 1 or 2 little issues but its not really a big deal. Also this post may be a bit long. For those who already have 2.1, congrats.

Do the following first!!!!
Install your necessary Java Version 32 or 64
Install PC Companion AND run it once
Also if your a Win 7 (and I think vista) user disable  UAC - This is a must
-Reboot your machine!!
Have at least 50% or more battery, I prefer 100%

X10 Files
I used the X10 Global Firmware you can download it here

I am assuming that you have done all the Do the following first!!!! stuff so lets begin.

Step 1
-Download the firmware and extract it to your desktop
-Now in the firmware folder there is a DevID folder choose your OS and run the Device ID program. If that does not work try these methods. Method 1 Method 2
-Now turn off your phone remove the battery and put it back in again, do not turn on your phone

Step 2
-Now open the X10Flash.bat
-Select your OS for me its 32 bit windows 7 so its 3, then hit enter
-Now connect your phone in flash mode. Plug in the mini usb connector to your phone then hold the back button and insert the other end of the wire to your PC. Now in the CMD hit any key.
--Now if you see a bunch of coding lines you are good just wait a while until it says "hit any key to close" or something
--If you get some errors then you did something wrong. You probably have a
  -Not installed the X10 drivers
  -Not installed Java
  -Not followed the first do this steps
  -Wrong Device ID
  -Or commonly a bad usb port. Happened to me so I just changed USB ports and it worked

Step 3
-Now after the flashing is done remove the wire and the take out the battery for a few seconds
-Put it back in and turn on your phone
-Now the initial boot will take a while and you will see the Sony Ericsson and the SE logo and stuff
-Then you will see a camera with a arrow to a phone, your phone is not setting up this will take a while
-After thats done your phone will boot again and you will be presented with the 2.1 SE setup wizard
-After you finish that or skip that your done you have 2.1 : )

-2.1 is laggy best to go to the root post and delete preinstalled apps that YOU do not need
-For 10a users the 3G will appear as H, do not worry its all the same and it works good
-I would advise you to check out the root post as well

Please comment for any more info, I will try to answer them